Sunday, April 09, 2006

Oh Huzoor....

Personally, I think this is some of my best work on Photoshop to date. This picture was taken on a small fishing boat off the coast of Karachi. This is possibly my oldest friend and (wierdly connected to me) cousin, lets call him Y. Y and I have been friends since I was 3 years old and he was just being born. It was great to see him again in Karachi of all places. He's like me in many ways, the most glaring of our differences are on the outside ie. he's a ladies man due to his good looks and I.. well I'm just a sad nerd who puts pictures of good looking friends on his blog.

ps: Y's picture reminds of a seriously sick hindi song called "Tera Suroor". Check it out if you can.


Ayesha said...

Nice work - I love playing around with photoshop too.. but man..its easy till certain level then gets too technical. WHY is THAT ?

when you mentioned "tera suroor", did u mean "sick sick" or a "slick sick" song? Guess if you are asking everyone to listen then its slick sick.
Himesh Reshamiya is giving some good music in indian cinema..but tobah.. new fils are not worth watching at all, thats all I can say from watching trailors or may be "haw haye" too.

Uzi said...

true.. films have gone down teh road. But Reshammiya is doign good work on certain. I usually use double negative to mean even more bettter. Much like I use double positives, for example. awesomely awesome. In the same name, there is sick sick! .. so yeah. I teach englsh you know.. :-D

Uzi said...

and Ayesha.. how about that Allha ke Bande song? That song is also sickly sick. oI just heard it evry recently tho cuz I keep out of Indian cineme a lot.

Uzi said...

*Allah ke Bande

Ayesha said...

Oh yeah..I have. It has very different tone, much much different than usual indian stuff. I thibk I have it on my hard disk too. but not sure who sung it and which album/film is it from?

Are you a big on music ? I wasnt very big on it in past yaars, but over the years I think.. am falling for all kind of music, from indian to arabic, symphonies to instrumentals.
ever heared Kitaro?

Uzi said...

I have not heard Kitaro.. but yes I am big on music. In fact, I would say that I am ginormous on music. I'll posts some stuff for you on the other blog.. you can download a few albums and check out some new stuff.

and I'll check out Kitaro.