Thursday, March 30, 2006


Photoshopped by me. :-)

I wrote about this dragonfly about a month ago, on my other blog:

"On a different note, I saw a dragonfly in our apartment building yesterday; colourful, full of life and prone to resting after buzzing around. I had my camera on me, so I whipped it out - of course, that was when my batteries gave out. I ran into my house, grabbed charged-up batteries and walked out to take some more pics. The dragonfly was not on my floor anymore. I pressed the elevator call button and waited to see if perhaps it had made its way into the elevator, the doors clicked open, nothing. Then, just as the doors slowly closed again, I saw it. Smashed, cleanly on the elevator's tiled floor. It looked like it had been sitting still when someone just decided to stomp on it. People suck sometimes."

Dated Feb 16/2006


Anonymous said...

hahaha the part about checking out the elevator totally made me laugh. such persistance, dammit! ;)

Ayesha said...

I get totally amazed when photography makes things pretty or funny which are not in usual life.

For exampls bugs, this pic reminded me of another picture taken by
Faraz. Check the pretty bugs here and here

Ayesha said...

Uzi buddy, you are one fast blogger, missing two or three days means..missing whole lot of things at ur blog.Speedy Gonzales :P

I love the World war and Karachi beach picture too. Good ones.keep 'em comin!

Uzi said...

Yeah. I try to b log something everyday, it keeps fresh ideas on my mind and just gives me something to look forward to everyday.

I mist say that this two month stretch is the longest I have ever gone without once breaking for a month long hiatus. And I'm handling two blogs now too! go figure.